Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Effective Headache Treatment Without Drugs

Effective headache treatment without the drugs involves several things like regular monitoring of your diet and avoiding headache triggers like too much glaring light, alcohol, fatigue, alcoholic beverages and others.

Regular exercise has been known as a big stress reducer and promotes relaxation, reducing the frequency and occurrence of headaches.

Regular sleep is also good in relieving headaches without using drugs especially when you are fatigued. Another effective treatment involves application of an icepack on the forehead and a cold compression on the face to calm the throbbing headache.

Chiropractors also recommend that regular neck and head massage are very good reducers of headache as they apply gentle pressure on the nerves and once you have had a massage, relaxing in a quiet room with no lights on for a few hours can work the magic of treating the headache.

Also highly recommended is regular deep breathing to ensure your brain has a sufficient supply of oxygen.

Another method proven to treat headaches without drugs involves the use of pain relief cushions which reduce some of the stiffness around the head that can lead to headaches.

Taking a very warmth bath in a bathtub filled with water with lighted scented candles is also an effective way of treating a headache without using drugs.

Some vegetables and fruits which contain vitamins and minerals like apples are highly recommended for those suffering from regular headaches. Tomato juice is also said to stop headaches when taken especially at the inception of a headache. Add to Technorati Favorites Bookmark and Share


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