Monday, March 26, 2012

A Headache During Pregnancy - Best Treatments And Tips Exposed

By Sean T Saunders

Severe headaches during pregnancy are triggered owing to many reasons. These could include withdrawal symptoms of caffeine, too much stress, insufficient fluid intake, insufficient rest, restlessness or low sugar levels in the body. Headaches during pregnancy could also be due to poor posture especially because of the excess weight near the stomach area due to the growth of the baby inside the womb. High blood pressure can also be a prime cause of headache problem in pregnant women.

Headaches could be very bothersome, specially if the woman has a history of migraine. The easiest way to prevent headache is to loosen up and get enough sleep. Keeping yourself physically active is always beneficial, even during pregnancy. Mild physical exercises routines can effectively help in keeping headache problem at bay. Well balanced and nutritious diet is important. Keeping heat or cold packs handy is quite important because they can provide instant relief.

It is essential that you drink lots of fluids while pregnant because it will help in rehydrating the entire system and prevent dehydration. If you ever suffer from migraines while pregnant, try using a cold compress on the head since it might help in soothing the migraines. Prenatal yoga exercises and meditation techniques are extremely beneficial for overall wellbeing and it also helps to relieve stress by relaxing all the body muscles and likewise prevents migraine headaches. You could also try taking a shower to relax the mind and body.

At times, migraine headache may be caused because of sinusitis. For sinus-related headaches during pregnancy, keeping a warm compress over the eye and forehead area is the best remedy. If you suffer from severe migraines, getting a good massage around the shoulders, neck, and back will prove to be beneficial. This gives you instant relief from migraines. When you are totally stressed out, relaxing your body and meditating in a calm peaceful environment will help. Do deep breathing exercises. It will help calm the nerves and offers relief from migraine headaches. To remain in the pink of health while pregnant, try and eat smaller portions at frequent intervals.

Migraine headache which occur during pregnancy can be prevented by avoiding foodstuff like chocolate, yogurt, sour cream, peanuts, preserved meats and even alcohol. The pain may be relieved with the use of heating pads which come in all kinds of varieties these days. Be aware that taking painkiller tablet for migraine headache without consulting your health care provider is a strict no while pregnant as it can cause side effects.

If the migraine headaches are accompanied by blurred vision, you should check with your doctor immediately. Applying aromatic oils like winter green oil over the brow or making use of aromatherapy can help in alleviating the headache problem. Soaking with some of the essential oils in a hot water tub can be helpful.

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